united women of faith
(fna united methodist women)

united women of faith

We have a very diverse group of women who meet regularly within our church.
These groups, also known as "circles," meet individually at various times all throughout the week. 

Our UWF takes up various missions projects throughout the year for many great causes. 

We currently have three Circles:

REBECCA CIRCLE - meets the third Tuesday of the month @ 11:30am. For more info. or questions, contact Ann Beal (614-371-4472) or Peg Addington (614-877-4200), who are the leaders.


HANNAH CIRCLE - meets the 2nd Monday @ noon. For more info. or questions, contact Sue Flowers (614-357-7935) or Nina Riley (614-579-4624), who are the leaders.


MIRIAM CIRCLE – meets the 3rd Sunday of each month @ 12:30pm. For more info. or questions, contact Brandi Blackstone (614-402-6706) or Tami Adams (614-545-8887), who are the leaders.


Each of the Circles would love to welcome new members. You do not need to be a member of our church. If you are interested in any of the Circles, please free to call the leaders or just show up at a meeting. Our UWF Circles are a wonderful way to meet new people and learn more about what actions they each do to help our church family and community.

If you are interested in knowing more about our UWF, please contact Pastor Brandi, Brandib@gcumc.org.